Showing posts with label Colin. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Colin. Show all posts

14 April 2010

Sing Along with My First Dictionary and the Very Us Artists

Warning: Today’s post is so exciting, I’m warning anyone with bladder weakness not to read it – or at least not to read it in public. Or to keep a milk bottle handy. Preferably an empty one. Why? Well, that’s between you and the milk bottle – which isn’t a place I’d care to be right now, incidentally – but, anyway, what’s so exciting about this post?

Back in December, I was approached by John LaSala of the staggeringly talented Very Us Artists, who had the gall to suggest that words and pictures alone simply weren’t powerful enough to adequately convey all the complex definitions My First Dictionary has been teaching you over the last year. What was needed, he postulated, was songs. You know, the kind with music... That, and it was nearly time for the annual RPM Challenge, wherein participating artists take it upon themselves to create an entire album in the space of February’s 28 days.

Why they do this, I’ve no idea. I wasn’t really listening. But I do know what it means for you, dear weak-bladdered MFD reader, and it’s very exciting indeed. Over the next month or so, you’ll be treated not only to your usual diet of lexicographical jollity, but each word will also be accompanied by a clever, hilarious or disturbing song – and, on occasion, one that’s all three (N.B. or just two). That’s ten new upcoming MFD entries for you* and ten fantastic songs to listen to... Does that make up for my irregular posting or what?!

I’ve heard all of the musical treats on the way and, lemme tell ya, they’re all amazing... Can I pick a favourite? That would be like picking a favourite child. And, as we all know, while everybody does that, they don’t tell anyone. So, no, I’m not telling. I’ll just give it better birthday presents. In any case, by way of introduction, here’s a little song to get you in the mood...

The Very Us Artists Have Cut A Record
(Click title for more about the song and project)

*Well, actually, it's nine more after today’s post, but ten just sounded better somehow.