I’d like to point loyal
My First Dictionary-heads in the direction of an upcoming project by the Very Us Artists, whom you’ll remember were responsible for the brilliantly twisted
Sing-Along Dictionary songs earlier this year. Again mixing music, images and suitably dark reading material, they’ve conceived a unique, immersive experience called
Foreshadows: The Ghosts of Zero, which, quite frankly, I can’t wait to get my hands, eyes and ears on... and possibly some other body parts too, depending on how much I like it.
Please check it out and, if you like the sound of it as much as I do, please also consider
sponsoring it, for which you can receive all sorts of intriguing goodies – the best of which, to my mind, is an official
My First Sing-Along Dictionary CD & book set. Yes, you really
can get your mitts on one of these rare and wonderful items! But don’t do it because
I want you to. Do it because
you want you to... and I just
know you do!